Would This Make You "Anti-Vax"?

11 months ago

Adam Rowland was a qualified physiotherapist and very fit, before he was mandated to take Covid-19 injectables claiming to be against a virus which posed him no risk.

He is now divorced, chair-bound, living with his elderly mother, reliant on benefits, half of which are being taken from him to pay for a carer. He is unemployed, impoverished, in pain and unable to leave the house.

These stories are common in the (previously) rich world now. Young people have become incapacitated and chronically ill in numbers that are difficult to comprehend: thousands in New Zealand for example, which is a nation of a mere 5 million. Politicians and mainstream media are deathly silent about, or deny, their existence.

The vaccine injured are referred for psychiatric assessment when doctors not considering vaccine injury as a possible cause (because being "an anti vaxxer" is now a mortal sin which can cost your medical license) are unable to make a physical diagnosis. The injured are routinely told that their symptoms are not real. They rely on family for care, have lost their ability to work and earn an income, and are often homeless.

The poverty of third world nations exists largely because of fragile health of the masses, who are not only less productive than they could otherwise be, but spend large proportions of their accessible income seeking medical care. Medical professionals are able to become extremely rich at the expense of the poor, who often live with crushing debt and in intolerable circumstances which ultimately causes premature life expectancy rates as well as high rates of terrible suffering. Medical professionals can be completely incompetent, and continue to charge for their services and live well.

If you wanted to impoverish the rich world, you would enforce harmful medical interventions onto the masses. Such impoverishment guarantees a massive shift in the gap between rich and poor, as well as a massive power shift.

The World Economic Forum now talk about us being in the throes of a "fourth industrial revolution", the outcome of which will be that "you will own nothing and you will be happy". Anyone speaking out is attacked and smeared. Once the World Health Organization "Treaty" is put in place, the monitoring of "wrongspeak" will be introduced. So then we can all "be happy" at the same time as being mandated to remain afraid and compliant with a raft of medical interventions.

It is time to oppose this coup d’état. STOP being afraid of viruses which have always existed in nature and for which ADEQUATE medical care exists when required. START standing up against those who want you to be afraid. Soon enough it will become too late.

The ordinary citizens speaking out at great personal expense are not your enemy. Join them. Dr Ahmad Malik, the podcaster, has lost his medical practice for speaking out. He has spoken to doctors, for example a neurologist who informed him that "my practice is booming and it's almost all vaccine injury", who refuse to speak out. Adam and Ahmad speak candidly about the clear evidence of criminals and quacks being in charge now.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v3ni1zp-adam-rowland-physiotherapist-describes-how-the-covid-shots-have-ruined-his-.html

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