The Dark Side of God: How Yahweh Cursed Humanity and the Serpent

11 months ago

Welcome to The Dark Side of God, the video series that explores the hidden and controversial verses in the Bible that most Christians do not know about. In this episode, we will examine how Yahweh, the Lord God of the Old Testament, cursed humanity and the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and how Jesus Christ came to redeem us from that curse.

The Bible tells us that in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and everything in them. But who is this God? The Hebrew word for God is Elohim, which is a plural noun that can mean “gods” or “rulers”. Some scholars believe that Elohim refers to a council of divine beings who assisted God in his creative work. These beings are also called the sons of God, the angels, or the archons.

One of these archons was Yahweh, who was assigned to rule over the earth and its inhabitants. He is also known as Jehovah, Adonai, or the Lord. He is often depicted as a jealous, angry, and violent god who demands obedience and worship from his people. He is also the one who planted the Garden of Eden, where he placed Adam and Eve, the first humans.

The Garden of Eden was a paradise where Adam and Eve lived in harmony with nature and with Yahweh and the gods. They were allowed to eat from any tree in the garden, except for one: the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Yahweh warned them that if they ate from that tree, they would surely die.

But there was another being in the garden: the serpent. The serpent was not an ordinary snake, but a wise and cunning creature who could speak and reason. He was also an archon, a son of God, who had a different agenda than Yahweh. He wanted to liberate Adam and Eve from Yahweh’s tyranny and ignorance.

The serpent approached Eve and asked her if Yahweh had really forbidden them to eat from any tree in the garden. Eve replied that they could eat from any tree except for the one in the middle of the garden, because Yahweh said they would die if they did. The serpent then told her a shocking truth: “You will not surely die. For Elohim knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like Elohim, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:4-5)

Eve was intrigued by this offer. She looked at the tree and saw that it was beautiful and desirable. She took some of its fruit and ate it. She also gave some to Adam, who was with her, and he ate it too. Immediately, their eyes were opened, and they realized that they were naked. They felt ashamed and afraid, and they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.

Yahweh soon came to visit them in the garden. He noticed that they were hiding from him among the trees. He called out to them and asked them what had happened. Adam confessed that he had eaten from the forbidden tree because Eve gave him some of its fruit. Eve blamed the serpent for deceiving her.

Yahweh was furious with what they had done. He cursed them all for their disobedience. He told the serpent that he would crawl on his belly and eat dust all his life, and that there would be enmity between him and the woman, and between his offspring and hers. He told Eve that she would suffer pain in childbirth, and that her husband would rule over her. He told Adam that he would have to work hard to cultivate the ground, which would produce thorns and thistles for him, and that he would eat bread by the sweat of his brow until he returned to dust.

Yahweh then expelled Adam and Eve from the garden, lest they eat from another tree in the garden: the tree of life. He placed cherubim (angelic beings) and a flaming sword to guard the way to the tree of life.

This is how Yahweh cursed humanity and the serpent for seeking knowledge and freedom from his authority. He wanted to keep them ignorant and obedient, dependent on him for their survival. He did not want them to become like Elohim, the gods, knowing good and evil.

But there is more to this story than meets the eye. There are hidden meanings and mysteries behind these events that reveal a different perspective on Yahweh, Elohim, Adam, Eve, and the serpent.

In our next episode, we will explore these deeper truths and how they relate to Jesus Christ, who came to save us from Yahweh’s curse.

Stay tuned for The Dark Side of God: How Jesus Christ Redeemed Us from Yahweh’s Curse.

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