Political Whirlwind: Unprecedented Moves, Controversial Policies, and the Unfolding Drama

1 year ago

How about a wild ride through the most convulsing political events of recent times? Buckle up as we dissect the seismic removal of Kevin McCarthy from office by House Minority Leader Matt Gaetz, an unheard-of move set to plunge the House of Representatives into uncharted waters. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg as we navigate the bedlam unfolding at O’Hare International Airport.

To add fuel to the fire, we’ll be dissecting the contentious issue of the open borders policy and its flood of undocumented immigrants. Hold onto your seats because this one kicked off a storm of controversy within the Democratic party itself. Let's not forget the audacious stunt from Congressman Jamal Brown who pulled the fire alarm at the Capitol Building. We examine the implications and how it highlights the need for a dialogue about public official conduct.

But it's not all stormy seas. We're also casting our eyes to the future, discussing the political prospects of Nikki Haley and her potential tilt at presidential candidacy. We'll scrutinize the bizarre story of Haley's hotel suite with a bird cage sent by the Trump campaign. As the election picks up pace, we’re curious to hear your thoughts on the front-runners. So, why wait? Subscribe now and join us on this whirlwind tour of American politics.
Elsa Kurt is an American actress, comedian, podcast producer & host, social media entertainer, and author of over twenty-five books. Elsa's career began first with writing, then moved into the unconventional but highly popularized world of TikTok, where she amassed an organic following of 200K followers and over 7 billion views of her satirical and parody skits, namely her viral portrayal of Vice President Kamala Harris, which attracted the attention of notable media personalities such as Michael Knowles, Mike Huckabee, Brit Hume, and countless media outlets. She's been featured in articles by Steven Crowder's Louder with Crowder, Hollywood in Toto with Christian Toto, and JD Rucker Report. In late 2022, Elsa decided to explore more acting opportunities outside of social media. As of August 2022, Elsa will have appearances in a sketch comedy show & an independent short film series in the fall. Elsa is best known for her comedic style and delivery, & openly conservative values. She is receptive to both comedic and dramatic roles within the wholesome/clean genres & hopes to adapt her books to film in the future.#ifounditonamazon https://a.co/ekT4dNOElsa's Books: https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B01E1VFRFQ

As of Sept. 2023, Author, Veteran, & commentator Clay Novak joins Elsa in the co-host seat. About Clay:

Army Officer
Clay Novak was commissioned in 1995 as a Second Lieutenant of Infantry and served as an officer for twenty four years in Mechanized Infantry, Airborne Infantry, and Cavalry units . He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in 2019.


Clay is a graduate of the U.S. Army Ranger School and is a Master Rated Parachutist, serving for more than a decade in the Airborne community. He was deployed a combined five times to combat in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Serving in every leadership position from Infantry Platoon Leader to Cavalry Squadron Commander, Clay led American Soldiers in and out of combat for more than two decades.


Growing up in a family of hunters and shooters, Clay has carried on those traditions to this day. Whether building guns, hunting, shooting for recreation, or carrying them in combat , Clay Novak has spent his life handling firearms.


Keep Moving, Keep Shooting is the first novel for Clay. You can also read his Blog on this website and see more content from Clay on his Substack.

Media Consultant

Clay has appeared on radio and streaming shows as a military consultant, weighing in on domestic and foreign policy as well as global conflict. He has also appeared as a guest on multiple podcasts to talk about Keep Moving, Keep Shooting and his long military career.
Get Clay's book: https://amzn.to/47Bzx2H
Visit Clay's site: Clay Novak (claynovak-author.com)

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