Nazis on Acid: Fascism & Psychedelics, Satanism & Transhumanism, David Livingstone 06Oct23

1 year ago

Uploaded to Youtube at 2pm today,,they took it down at 5pm for 'medical misinformation'. Since the only medical references in the 50min interview were our disparaging comments on human blood drinking therapy encouraged by Peter Thiel and warnings about psychedelic drug therapy (no mention of Covid, flu, colds or vaccines) I appealed the decision on those lines. Appeal was rejected within five minutes of being submitted. TG

Thiel is also an exponent of a right-wing philosophy the neo-reactionary movement (sometimes abbreviated to NRx), an anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian, reactionary philosophy. The movement is also known as the Dark Enlightenment, a term coined by English author and philosopher Nick Land, in his essay of the same name. Land has been described as the “father” of accelerationism, a set of ideas which propose that capitalism and technological change should be drastically accelerated to create further radical social change.[113] Accelerationism reflected a similar approach adopted by Satanists, particularly the Process Church and Charles Manson. Land has also “highly-recommended” the works of David Myatt’s fascist Satanist Order of Nine Angles (O9A), whose international distributor is adept Kerry Bolton, founder of the Black Order and associate of Alexander Dugin, known as “Putin’s Rasputin.”[114]

Psychedelics and Fascism: From MK-Ultra, to Esalen and Silicon Valley
Sep 29 Written By David Livingstone German Conservative Revolution 

Ernst Jünger and Carl Schmitt (1888 – 1985), known as the “Crown Jurist of the Third Reich.”

It’s commonly assumed that the “mind-expanding” capabilities of psychedelics usually lead to progressive or liberal views. So, their proponents are surprised by their persistent association with the right. In “Right-Wing Psychedelia: Case Studies in Cultural Plasticity and Political Pluripotency,” Brian A. Pace and Nese Devenot observe that, “Recent media advocacy for the nascent psychedelic medicine industry has emphasized the potential for psychedelics to improve society, pointing to research studies that have linked psychedelics to increased environmental concern and liberal politics.”[1] However, in “Why is the American right suddenly so interested in psychedelic drugs?” for The Guardian, Ross Ellenhorn and Dimitri Mugianis report that “psychedelic therapies are receiving unprecedented financial and political support – and much of it comes from the right.”[2]

The history of psychedelics begins with Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963), a fascist who inspired the CIA’s MK-Ultra program. And ultimately, interest in psychedelics derives from occult interest in the ancient shamans of the Altai Mountains, which is believed to be the original religion of the Aryans. H.P. Blavatsky(1831 – 1891), who is considered the “godmother” of the New Age movement, despite the fact that she inspired the racial ideas of the Nazis, was inspired in her knowledge of Shambhala, a Tibetan Buddhist legend mentioned in the Kalachakra Tantra. Csoma de Körös (1784 – 1842), a Hungarian orientalist from Transylvania, was the first to report of the legend of Shambhala in the West, which he located in “the land of the Yugurs (Uighurs)” in Xinjiang, a province of Northwestern China. In an 1825 letter, Csoma de Körös wrote that Shambhala is like a Buddhist Jerusalem, and he believed it would probably be found in Kazakhstan, close to the Gobi desert, where it would later be situated by Blavatsky.[3] Others later would also locate it more specifically either in Xinjiang, or the Altai Mountains. Thus the Altai Mountains are the reputed source of the early form of spirit or “divine” communication known as shamanism, regarded among occultists as the “Oriental Kabbalah,” a supposed remnant of the migrations of Aryan survivors of Atlantis.

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