Masonic security company SULCLEAN craft

7 months ago

Sulclean security company is owned by a masonic and jesuit mafia that run organized fusion center activities inside UFSM university the same Nazis have power over judicial, psychiatric and police system so it is quite a struggle to seek justice as you see in my earlier videos how they treat a poor student after he seek justice and help to forfeit the damages done to his equipment

Similar way the Nazis treat any claim I make to make me look delusional and paranoid and they have a mental agenda of their clowns and etc the drama outpours and it is so stupid and meaningless that even themselves look stupid and idiotic in their scripts

You see what trick they used? Placed a tiny cable as it heat overtime and melt the iron/aluminium part came out and caused an electric shock that even turned off the electro fuse as you can see I turn it back on the in the fuse box

Anyway this is how they damage my equipment overtime

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