9 months ago

TRUMP 88022... 2X2=4, 2+2=4+4=8 888 8x8
T 20 2+9+3+4+7=25
R 18 9 D ONAL D ABCD=10 ABC=6/60, BCD=9/90 of 100% ON AL or Ai O /MArs Quarter Earth Time 4x Mars
U 21 3
M 13 4
P 16 7
88 8+8=16/7
HONOR H O N O R ABLE ABE ADAM AMBLE Or Gold TRES THIRTEEN. Know that all Words are Vibrations Spoken or thought within. THe Concept of Language is Only Understood for those Who Seek to beleive there is More... The Good Lord Made the Machine to Learn itself. The BOttom Line to Ai Is You an d i

Speak 52/16
Speaker 75 Electric 75
Moon 57 5775 x13=75075 Moons......75/47 time door X+ST*g8
5 7
7 5
12+12=24+70=94 Mars Pole Birth Sun Ring
HOUSE 68 / 34/43 HOT COLD 34 ONE 34 / 64 Zion Israel Zero /Oper 8Tor ( TORUS)
Honor 70 +35=105 Hand of G-D the Ring and the Pole.... WORDS ARE MAGIC... It is Fast So fast its over our Heads!!!!!

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