D.C. U.S. Corp.'s Cover-up To Hide Barry Soetoro's (Barack Hussein Obama) Original Birth Certificate

7 months ago

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Releases New Information on President Obama's Birth Certificate (FNN)

The D.C. United States Corporation that many people falsely refer to as the United States Government committed fraud by lying to the United States citizens claiming that Barry Soetoro was born in the USA. Investigation into the birth certificate proved that many who thought these "officials" that had supposedly taken an oath of office to defend the USA constitution committed treason by allowing a foreign national act as President of the United States of America. Professional investigators found that the birth certificate the D.C. U.S. Corporation posted on the US "government" .gov website claimed to be authentic was indeed a forged birth certificate. The investigation found that there were nine (9) points of forgery creating the false document. This is further proof that the D.C. U.S. Corporation is a criminal organization and has been deceiving the USA population for a long time.

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