Why Dogs Eat Poop and How to Stop It (Coprophagia)

1 year ago

Most times, dogs have some habits considered nasty, such as rolling over dirty places, rummaging through the garbage, or drinking water from the toilet.

But there is a very common behavior among them, which can make people disgusted: eating their own poop!

Ew! Does your dog eat their own feces?

What people consider a very disgusting behavior, for dogs is just as normal as eating any other food.

A dog can eat its own feces, their puppies' feces, and even the feces of other animals.

Cat poop, for example, has a high concentration of protein, and dogs consider its smell is considered very pleasant.

However, there are other causes that can motivate a dog to eat feces, and some of them are related to your friend's health.

Coprophagia may be associated with deficiency of some nutrients, or even related to worms.

It is important to take your pet to the vet to check if there is any nutrient deficiency.

Both a behavior expert and a veterinarian can be very helpful in these cases.
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