Sweet Dog Rescues Stranded Earthworms And We Can't Get Enough Of Her Compassionate Side

6 years ago

Dogs are extraordinary creatures. Their level of compassion is unrivaled and their ability to learn new things quickly amazes us all.

Holliday is no exception, and this is what her mom has to say about her:

"This is my dog, Holliday, a border collie/German shepherd mix. I rescued her from Felines & Canines in Chicago when she was a puppy. Holliday is picking up and saving live earthworms from the hot road. She gently picks them up in her mouth and then carries them over to the grass. On walks, she will run around the neighborhood and look for stray earth worms and bugs to save. She will spot the worms far in advance, and run over as fast as she can to save them. Sometimes, she even tries to save the dried, dead ones. She was never taught this behavior, although when she was a puppy, my mom would take the earthworms from the road and throw them in the grass. The only way I can think that Holliday learned this behavior, is from watching my mom when we come home for the weekends. Holliday has been doing this for about a year and a half now."

Can it get any sweeter than this?! Everybody definitely needs a Hollie. She’s a true gem.

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