"Get Out" (2017) Directed by Jordan Peele #getout #jordanpeele #horrorstories #movies

8 months ago

Mere hours have passed since I left the darkness of my local picture house after seeing this edgy psychological horror from Jordan Peele and it hasn’t been far from my thoughts in the intervening time between leaving the cinema and commencing this blog. To write and direct such a fresh take in the psychological/horror genre, and in your debut film to boot, is an incredible achievement from Peele and one hopes that this may serve as a template for a resurgence in such a cliched ridden form of shock/horror cinema. From the moment our two main protagonists reached their weekend destination I had a constant feeling of dread and unease, as well as a creeping anxiety and wish to look away from the screen. The beauty of which being the slow layering of the outward antipathy but through smiling eyes and welcoming embraces, awkward question or sideways glance, rather than the standard horror tropes of modern films for loud scares and ghostly apparitions. For they are here too, both the scares and the ghosts, but of the human kind, still living and breathing but taking on a rather different guise and character. But where this film excels is in it’s darkly comedic interludes and backed by so many well crafted and rounded characters whilst also shining a light on the incredibly difficult subject of racism and tackling it head on. Again, steering clear of the old and worn stereotypes of racists only being ill educated, lower classed yobs, here they are well at heeled, middle aged and middle class, and they all have a penchant for a rather distasteful and alternative game of “Bingo”.

The above opening paragraph was originally penned and published in 2017 before being transferred to my Medium blog site on 7th November 2021 and can now be read in full and for free (please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review can also be found within my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection" (£4.99 per volume) or which can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:



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