infantilized society means grown-ass adults need support ie approval

1 year ago

SPOILER: i never brushed my harr
big ass harr clips to disguise that i don't believe in brushing my harr
kinda obvious that i don't believe in many things that "normies" believe in
i'm probably wrong about anything involving my physical appearance
the gayish commies will be totally fine, amy
i don't wanna be hateful for any reason
there is no push back from the nashville comedy scene on lgbt or abortion rights or anything that liberal lunatics whine about
if i was gonna be lesbian i wouldn't need anyone's support
obviously you probably aren't doin sumin too good for you if you require the entire world to be down w/ it
when you subtract all the letters, it's still just plain dumb shit
i've told my frenz not to come out to these bars but they insist
they wanna be supportive but i really don't need it
you won't get true understanding from anyone but yourself
only you can understand you, nobody else's responsibility damnit
this society has been so coddled for quite some time now
yawl blame marxism, ag blames technology *karl marx is fuckin dead
easy n convenient? actually way more complicated n destructive

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