Bipartisan committee urges NBA to ban Chinese products made by forced labor

9 months ago

10/04/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: NBA Commissioner Adam Silver was sent a letter on Friday by a bipartisan congressional commission that called for the league to ban the use and sale of shoes and other apparel made by forced labor in China. No one had expected NBA would become an aider and abettor of the CCP’s persecution of the Chinese people, and especially the Uyghurs in Xinjiang province. It is estimated that the NBA is making more than $5 billion every year in China.
10/04/2023 妮可做客Winn Tucson China Watch:NBA总裁萧华周五收到了两党国会委员会的一封信,呼吁NBA联盟禁止使用和销售在中共国强迫劳动生产的鞋子和其他服装。没有人曾预料到NBA会成为中共压迫中国人民的帮凶,尤其是新疆的维族人。NBA预计每年在中共国盈利超过50亿美元。

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