EPIC 🔥 ROBBY STARBUCK 🔥 | Understand what time it is in America !!!

8 months ago

Understand what time it is in America:

• Trump is being prosecuted by Biden’s regime + multiple state level Democrats

• Every agency in government has been weaponized to investigate @elonmusk
because he’s trying to level the playing field online to empower citizens

• Newsweek just broke the story that the FBI is both investigating Trump voters and treating them like terrorists by using the same types of tools they used against ISIS

• DHS and CISA used proxies to censor influencers like me and @charliekirk11
for opposing Democrats too effectively

• Grandma’s (including one with cancer) who thought they were allowed in the Capitol after police waved them in were thrown in prison over January 6th despite zero violence

• Soros DA’s are releasing pedophiles and criminals to carry out record crime

• Over 7 MILLION illegal immigrants have entered our country under Biden — Only 14 states have populations > 7.4M

• Schools are grooming kids about so called social justice, gender identity and sexual topics (including books with porn in them) while hiding all of it from parents

• People fear saying they vote Republican despite Republicans winning the 2022 popular vote because they know they can lose their jobs over it or be ostracized

• Doctors are giving kids sex changes with the full support of the White House including on children of our troops

• Doctors lose their licenses over disagreeing with the narrative of the Democrats

• Banks, Big Tech and online transaction services have banned prominent influencers for the crime of being conservative

• Inflation and interest rates are destroying our economy in ways that we’ll be dealing with for over a decade

• 80-90% of Congress represent their own interests and lobbyists instead of people

• Big Tech companies manipulate what the public sees to sell the Democrats narrative

• Soldiers were fired by the thousands for being conservatives who didn’t want the COVID jab — They even denied chaplains religious exemptions

• People are put through public struggle sessions if they say men can’t be women

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