Becoming Utterly free of Matrix Money Paradigms

9 months ago

I describe the issue I want to investigate today: I found a wooden stake in my heart…astrally-speaking of course….
I found it after investigating some physical pain there….
2.21 Onion-skin-style clearing as you grow…
2.40 Realising just how much the matrix pushes us to measure our self worth in terms of money.
3.00 A situation causing this to activated.
4.00 I speak about the money created and existing purely in the matrix: the diary 0 and 1’s. I expound about boss pay and employee pay…
5.40 So the exercise is to go in and investigate and clear this non sense completely.
6.25 Firs thing I see is a ship’s prow ( Maritime law…! and Our Cestui Qui Vie!) looking over the side to a little classic desert island where someone is sitting in a deck chair. A ‘meme’ of a family holiday- something I haven’t actually done in that way.
7.21 Everything I experience and see and feel etc will enable me to clear this, to identify it and to explain it.
I see the sun, the sky is blue, it’s like being inside a cartoon. I see my boat: white and blue-painted with oars in the row-locks. I have beached thereat, but there is no-one around. I can however wave at Mr Flintstone on the other island. Around my island there are sharks.
Around their island there are dolphins.
8.30 I speak about the ‘building of a construct’. I explain again the father/brother complex in my family as they had the money and power, freedom and choice.
9.25 I find large beautiful shells on the beach. ( I go to fetch my favourite shells and explain how I always wanted to go and collect such shells form a beach directly…) I return to my sandy island beach, collect shells and make art with them…having a beautiful time and realise:
10.34 I don’t need money. And that gets people really upset…
11.11 This weird money system we have currently is the holographic overlay of our natural system..
11.30 How could I have ever allowed
that concept to dictate in ANY shape or form, my value?
Why would I ever want a crime and evidence of tangible fraud to dictate my value?!
12.12 I return to the island to see what I can find. A pineapple out of which I make juice…and then I find a coconut and add its milk to my juice….yum.
13.00 I check if there is anything else I can manifest naturally. There is a rock, and I start drawing on it with another stone…I don’t even need my art materials!
13.31 I have a buzzing cloud of mosquitos coming towards me….except they are not mosquitos…but ‘zeros and ones’! Escaped from a computer! Part of the matrix coming towards me….”I am the matrix money, you will succumb to my frequency!” No, I will not :)
14.00 If we can make things with our energy body in the way they have tried to suppress….using our imagination and divine power of creation, ( for example we can change the weather using our electromagnetic energy to influence ), we can do the same with the matrix- any electrically-generated element.
15.00 refer to earth video chat:
regarding the “electric blanket”, as the Earth described the matrix. I briefly fly through the history of the creators of this…thy made this matrix which is suppressing the natural expression and expansion of the natural earth. But we as human spirits, can change that electric patterning.
16.30 Back to the 0 and 1 cloud….what if we fed these back into the matrix- using the Aikido effect which we are all using to short and change the wrongs of this system? I remind you of some of the past episodes where this aikido effect has produced some fascinating results.
17.57 I get an idea I like: I decide to collect any debt I have ever accrued, together. ( in reality we are creditors not debtors- see my Cestui que Vie video a long while back…or even better, check out the Observation Deck)
My intention is to turn that into a positive.
19.50 We begin the process to gather all the past debt to turn it into credit: I collect it all in a movie theatre ice cream basket.
22.11 “This is energy I now hold here: it’s a strange kind of matrix energy- I can feel the zeros and ones. When they get changed from that basic form of code, they get turned into figures of numbers. I am going to compress the numbers, add it all together, into one piece: oooh ooh! It’s a gold bar, pretty heavy. And a few silver coins…
I discuss what to do with the gold bar and the coins.
I keep the silver coins and put the gold back into the matrix system as my credit. And see what happens.
24.12 I command my spirit to feed it back…
26.00 I check to see whether this has solved my issue to identifying myself with the matrix definition of self worth.
I find by giving myself this wealth there is still something more to be done. so I have a look:
26.38 “That value, worth and appreciation that we currently award money, - show me my worth and value, my currency, in terms of my soul and my energy.”
26.45 so, I am seeing some colours, colours which I usually associate with myself on a beautiful lilac clear pure yellow, white, a little touch of turquoise, some bright other colours. I am a colour woman, it is almost as though I am like an agate: an agate has these layers of beautiful colour in them and I can see Ruby, Ruby, Ruby red, deep Emerald green, and a beautiful sapphire blue, oh my God, with the light shining through it., deep amethyst purple. And there yes, there is that turquoise… I am seeing all these glorious crystal colours: the beryls come in a pale green and the citrines… It is as though I have affiliation with all the natural gem crystals of the Earth, and they are so amazing splendid – the colour of earth crystals. Morganite: pale pink and oh some of the calcites with the pale green, tourmaline with ridiculous colours in one rock! And I'm just feeling myself in the way that when i’m admiring the crystals, I appreciate it's glorious beauty, it's facets, it's sheer vibrancy of colour, delicacy of colour than its containment of coloured light, it feeds my soul. And I am feeling myself as the metaphor of those my worth, as I asked for the worth, the value of my soul. And let's just continue; I feel like I could go for layers and layers and layers of these beautiful crystal colours. As many and as much as I want, as much as I wish to experience. The way a crystal will grow and you can look on Pinterest for hours and hours many beautiful crystals are used to experience floating above my chair while doing this. And this is what I feel now it is this interface which I feel I can employ any combination oh gorgeous colour. For me in my life currently it comes out as things I draw, shamanic drawing choosing colours and in the way I dress. The colours I choose to be in, the colour of sound I choose to iterate or listen to. The colour of the movement I create in space, or work with…the way I listen to a person is a colour for me: it's a tone, it's an atmospheric mood.. When I am in very heightened states it is almost as though I am in colour world- of course we are in a colour world, everything is colour. But this experience, that emotion it's colour, sound is colour. For me, colour is like a…its a currency… that's maybe not tangible for everyone, but it is experiential for me. I can feel it I can experience it, and when I am in touch with that, it is an enrichment of the atmosphere. So I sit, I stand, I move in space, and I feel this excitement of the enrichment of what I am. That is self-worth, isn't it?
I am proceeding myself as layers of this crystal, that when eyewitness Crystal it's just, "oh my God" (woozy face), it is beautiful, right? And I am allowing myself to feel that quality of “mmm”- we don't really have good words for it, but if I say "precious", you think of Gollum. Brackets chuckle) yes beauty transcendence, wonder, exquisite, rare, exceptional, glimmering, surprising, delightful, expansive, touching mesmerising anything of that, I can allow myself to be. If I can hold that vibration I like this place exciting and vibrant. Yum. And now I am letting perfume add to this, rare beautiful perfume, sense carefully curated to a landscape, it's almost like adding bird song when you add perfume. So I've added bird song of course as well . Sparkles of sunlight, no sparkles of my voice, sparkles of my eyes.
31.40 I'm going to end this here and I hope you enjoyed playing with this idea, seeing yourself in this mode of remember what we are: pure Source Energy. -A piece of it, inhabiting, creating a body. We do, we recreate our body every two years completely, that's mad! But we do: energy in a human body. The mind in the body the heart in the mind it's one actually a system of love in conscious thought- that’s what we are. Nice place to be, and the imagination, the experience in the imagination it's more powerful and long-lasting because it's from within full stop it's longer lasting then something you go to a shop and buy. -nothing against going to lovely shops and buying lovely things made by beautiful people, yes, wonderful, let’s do it. Always support craftsmen and women, because ether are using their soul to create beautiful things. It’s why I love to have hand made things on me and around me: its full of beautiful human essence….not stuff made by labour camps. DOn’t buy any of that! No, support good, real things.
And I can feel this essence beautifully. And it doesn't matter, if I can conjure this, oh boy am I rich!
Please subscribe I do some strange and interesting things, it should be an adventure and sometimes I don't know what I'm going to do right at the minute before I start, and sometimes I do, with planning, because there is something I've experienced and I want to investigate. There is always something extraordinary and new to investigate and we need adventures. I need adventures. We need food for our soul. I would look on the Internet for that stuff and then I realised I can do it! I can just look for it in my spirit of my soul and then I have the fun of doing it, and then I have the experience of that in my soul.

p.s. Interestingly I generated some unexpected cash the day after…
Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address


37365 is the destination tag

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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