These Pampered Iguanas Like Their Apples To Be Hand Fed To Them

7 years ago

These pet iguanas are living quite a life! Their owner has spoiled them so much, they will only eat their food if the human servant personally feeds them by hand! They are like babies, only their skin isn’t so soft and they aren’t so cuddly and cute, but they don’t cry in the middle of the night if they have soiled their crate! You know what I mean…

They might look like vicious reptiles, but green iguanas are actually herbivore, i.e. they only eat a plant based diet. In the wild, a green iguana will eat leaves, flowers, veggies and some fruits to sustain itself. Only they don’t brag about on social media.

Iguanas kept in captivity will eat meat if they are presented by it, but a diet with excessive consumption of animal protein can result in severe kidney problems and possible premature death to your pet. In order to ensure that your pet iguana will grow old to be a healthy, lively pet, you should feed it a well balanced diet.

Bread, cooked pasta and cooked rice can be a nice treat for the lizard, but make sure they are chopped for easier consumption. And in case you get tempted to feed it insects, do not do it! Again, iguanas are animals that only eat food from plants, and bug definitely do not come from plants, they just live there.

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