
11 months ago

[Whimsical Poem Collection] - The word ‘pretty’, like many other words in the English language can be used in multiple ways!! While originally a ‘positive association’ with the feminine gender, many phrases have quite contradictory tones, which is a little disappointing! This piece takes a whimsical look at the varying uses of the word for, both positive and negative, in number of its descriptive terms. Gee, there was quite a choice and no doubt you can come up with some more. Pretty amazing!!!

This poem is part of the collection that I refer to as Whimsical – A blend of Frippery, with Clever and Inane creations!

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” or

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Poem Wording:-


A little ditty about being ‘pretty’
What a little dainty word!
For ‘fair of face’ or ‘easy on the eye’.
But, yet, look deeper and what do you spy?

Pretty - with meaning bent, tends to another intent –
like ‘pretty dumb’ or ‘pretty smart’ ….
Not all nice and airy fairy –
more ‘adequate’ or ‘downright scary’!

‘Pretty nice’ or ‘pretty tart’,
‘pretty dense’, ‘pretty stupid’, ‘pretty sweet’.
‘Pretty neat’, ‘pretty cool’, ‘pretty tool’,
‘Pretty clever’ and ‘pretty damn fool’!

A clever manoeuvre –
pretty near two faced it seems
One lifting up,
another knocking our dreams!!

Whimsical Poem Collection

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