Armed Intruder's Brazen Capitol Visits: Security Scare at Wisconsin Gov's Office

9 months ago

An unnamed armed man showed up twice, demanding to speak Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (Democrat). Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks.

"MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A man illegally brought a loaded handgun into the Wisconsin Capitol, demanding to see Gov. Tony Evers, and returned at night with an assault rifle after posting bail, police said Thursday.

The man, who was shirtless and had a holstered handgun, approached the governor’s office on the first floor of the Capitol around 2 p.m. Wednesday, state Department of Administration spokesperson Tatyana Warrick said. The 43-year-old man said “he would not leave until he saw Governor Evers” so he could talk about “domestic abuse towards men,” Capitol police said in a bulletin sent to lawmakers and their staffs."

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