'HILLARY CLINTON'S HORROR SHOW: Revealed by Wikileaks' - David Seaman - 2016

1 year ago

Published on Sep 1, 2016

"Hillary Clinton's health is abysmal. Her Clinton Foundation is under attack as an obscene pay-to-play scheme for elites and billionaires to gain undue backdoor access to US policy. Her relationships with top media organizations go against basic tenets of journalism, transparency, and leadership.

All revealed by the Wikileaks "Clinton Email Archive." Thank you, Julian Assange, for giving us the information that is needed to make our own decisions as voters - what the media no longer does, at all, in the United States. Bought and sold Clinton Foundation groupies. It borders on cult thinking, both the Clinton Foundation itself and the media's allegiance to Clinton's presidential campaign, no matter what.

Sound off- https://twitter.com/d_seaman "

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