Preg & DK | 2v2 arena | Wow PVP Season 7 | Wrath of the Lich King Classic | Classic Trance Music

1 year ago

Join me and my friend as we venture into the icy realms of WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic's 2v2 Arena. Just a pair of dudes (dare I say heroes?) embracing the chaos of each match, intense battles, some lucky victories and the unexpected triumphs in this compilation of arena highlights.

Also enjoy the classic trance music or should I say Anthems at this point? :D

The games are recorded mid Season 7.

00:00 Intro - Arms Warrior & Holy Paladin
00:58 Arms Warrior & Retribution Paladin
01:44 MM Hunter & Ret Paladin
02:23 MM Hunter & Ret Paladin - 2
03:05 Disc Priest & Feral Druid
03:54 Shadow Priest & Sub Rogue
04:41 Holy Pal & Arms War
05:12 Frost Mage & Retribution Paladin
06:11 DK & Preg Pala (MIRROR)
07:05 Arms Warrior & Preg paladin
08:03 Sub Rogue & Balance Druid
09:04 Feral Druid & Disc Priest
11:09 Preg & DK (MIRROR)
11:38 Disc Priest & Unholy Death Knight
12:31 Double Rogue

Enjoy the video? Hit the subscribe button and like the video for more WoW Classic WotLK PVP adventures and experiences. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts, tips and frustration in the comments - let's learn and grow together!

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