The CCP is trying to brainwash the American younger generations and corrupt elected U.S. officials

1 year ago

10/5/2023 【Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776】Nicole Tsai: Americans should be aware of how dangerous the CCP is. The CCP is trying to brainwash the American younger generations and corrupt elected U.S. officials into serving the CCP’s interests!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/5/2023 【妮可做客 Grant Stinchfield Show节目】妮可: 美国人民需要意识到中共的危害。中共正在洗脑美国的年轻人,并腐蚀美国民选官员以服务于中共的利益!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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