The CCP sent officials to interact with local U.S. government officials to advance the CCP's agenda

8 months ago

10/5/2023 【Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776】Nicole Tsai: Many of the sister-city relationships that Communist China has developed with the U.S. are not for the purpose of so-called increased dialog and cultural exchanges. Instead, this is a form of infiltration. The CCP has sent government officials to interact with local U.S. officials and establish personal relationships to advance the CCP's political agenda and to infiltrate the U.S.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/5/2023 【妮可做客 Grant Stinchfield Show节目】妮可: 中共国与美国建立的很多友好城市关系并非为了所谓的增加对话、文化交流,这是一种渗透。中共派出了政府官员与美国地方官员互动、建立个人关系以推进中共政治议程并渗透美国。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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