Hearing the Holy Spirit

9 months ago

Date: May 28, 2017
Speaker: Hector Santos

Video Description:
In this sermon, Prophet Hector Santos preaches about the importance of learning to be led by the Holy Spirit. He focuses on training our "spirit man" to tune into God's inner guidance rather than relying on external voices. Santos stresses that every believer has the gift of the Holy Spirit within them to provide direction if they cultivate hearing God's voice.

Bible References:
- John 16:13 - The Spirit of truth guides believers into all truth
- Romans 8:14 - Those led by the Spirit are sons of God
- Psalms 18:28 - God enlightens the darkness through our spirit
- Proverbs 20:27 - The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord
- Romans 12:1-2 - We must be transformed and renew our minds to know God's will
- James 4:8 - If we draw near to God, He will draw near to us
- 1 John 5:14-15 - When we ask according to God's will, He hears and answers
- Acts 3:19 - Repentance leads to times of refreshing from God
- 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, God forgives and cleanses us
- John 10:27 - Jesus' sheep hear and follow His voice
- 1 John 1:5-10 - Walking in sin hurts our fellowship with God
- Romans 12:2 - Do not be conformed to the world but be transformed in our thinking
- Romans 8:16 - The Spirit bears witness that we are children of God

Santos urges believers to rely on the inner witness of the Holy Spirit for guidance rather than constantly seeking external direction. He shares stories of struggling to hear God but then receiving clarity through training his "spirit man." Santos uses passages like John 16:13 to emphasize the Spirit's role in guiding us into truth. Romans 8:14 reminds us that being led by the Spirit is a key characteristic of being a child of God. Psalms 18:28 and Proverbs 20:27 illustrate how God enlightens us through our spirit.
Santos stresses the need to renew our minds and align our thinking with God's Word rather than the world’s viewpoint (Rom 12:1-2). Verses like James 4:8 encourage drawing near to God, which enables us to better discern His voice. 1 John 5:14-15 and Acts 3:19 speak to the importance of repentance, prayer and aligning our will with God's will in order to experience His guidance.
Additional passages like John 10:27 and 1 John 1 underscore the need to cultivate hearing and following the Holy Spirit's guidance in order to walk in unbroken fellowship with God. Santos uses various biblical truths and stories to exhort believers to value and rely on the gift of the Holy Spirit within them, learning to shut out distracting voices and tune into God's quiet promptings for direction and discernment.

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