The swamp creatures of the district of criminals, taxation is theft, & do you know your jackasses?

8 months ago

Gotta love the jackass that best describes Biden and dumbass for Hunter.
These psychopath parasites are drunk on control and power.
Don't forget those with dual citizenship?
Without your consent to these parasites and others who seek authority over your life and/or property, they know they would lose. That is why these parasites will do desperate things to maintain their control and power at all costs. Don't let them have authority over you.
One should fear God over man. God's laws triumph over man's.
Thanks Brother for putting this out on Gab.
Please share this and we all gotta laugh sometimes. Laughter is good for the soul.
Also, would you please hit the like button (not just for this video, but others as well), share, pray, and/or donate. I would really appreciate as I don't have the support nor the connections thereof.

What bothers me are those who knew better, but went along with things that are wrong all due to "following orders" no matter how evil those orders are? I am well aware that the culture needs to change, including ourselves. The only ones that can change our surroundings are ourselves. There has been a war for our souls, including the destruction of the family unit. What happened to common sense with discernment? What about morals and principle?
Let's do what we can with the time that we have to improve ourselves, help one another, speak and live honestly. Because without trust and loyalty there is no meaning.
As I encourage you to seek the truth, self awareness, and do what you can to stand against evil and not comply. God wins.
I am dead serious about mass noncompliance, along with other things as well. Each of us does what they can in their own time. Please consider my time as well as your as well. BTW, our whole system is based on consent. There is so much to consider is it not? I would really appreciate any assistance that you can to support me. As we are the human species that has to pay to be here, thank you and God Bless.
PayPal https://www.PayPal.Me/TruthIsUnbreakable

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