Comedian Stumped! #shorts #lol #crowdwork

1 year ago

In comedy you have to make lemonade when you are given lemons. Sometimes you may not have something pop in your head the moment someone says something. You have to just trust that you are funny and you will think of something. This is what we train for people. LOL

#shorts #lol #crowdwork

A mixture of witty “A-list material” and his ability to work off-script has earned Jim McCue the title “Boston’s King of Crowd Work!” It’s not only his height of six foot six that makes Jim stand head and shoulders above club comedians of the “stick-to-the-script” variety. Jim blends thought-provoking material and uncanny improv skills with a style that encourages audience participation. No two shows are ever the same!

Jim has been featured on Comedy Central, Comcast Comedy Spotlight, NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” RedEye on Fox news, Live at Gotham AXS TV and “Roughing It” on NESN in his native New England. Jim also founded and currently runs The Boston Comedy Festival. He works in top comedy clubs in Boston, Las Vegas, New York, Dublin, Montreal and Edinburgh.

Jim McCue went viral this year with his DryBar special “nothing personal” which has had over 3 million views , he has been featured on Comedy Central, Comcast Comedy Spotlight, NBC’s “Last Comic Standing,” Live at Gotham AXS TV and “Roughing It” on NESN in his native New England.

Since 2000 Jim has also entertained U.S. troops at more than 100 bases around the world. An account of his experiences performing for the troops has recently been published in Embedded Comedian which Jim describes as a “field manual for comedians in a war zone.”

With his unique act, Jim keeps the audience on its toes. Volleying between set material and working the crowd, Jim cracks jokes with amazing timing and whip-like precision. A unique blend that is sure to leave the audience roaring with laughter!

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