Jesus is coming now for only His bride and everyone else will be left behind

9 months ago

Jesus is coming for those who truly follow Him and when the trumpet sounds we will all be changed super fast and will meet Jesus in space outside of this wicked world and those not ready will be left behind!! Jesus is not playing anymore games at all!! The lukewarm in the churches will all be left behind along with their pastors who just said come to church all the time God is ok with whatever you do and live however you want and you will go to heaven, some are false Prophets like Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and others, they love money and are so rich and love it, the prosperity gospel is sending people to hell and the lukewarm dead churches well the lost church members in them will all be left behind and it will happen, you are either going in the rapture or will be left behind!! That is how it will be, once you are left behind Jesus will not come and get you at all, you will have to follow Jesus in the most hateful antichrist beast world that hates God and will kill anyone who doesn't worship the antichrist and got the cursed vaccine mark of the beast, that is the life for those left behind in the tribulation period!!!

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