HER SECRET (1933) Sari Maritza, Alan Mowbray & William Collier, Jr. | Comedy, Drama, Romance | B&W

6 months ago

Her Secret is a 1933 American comedy drama film directed by Warren Millais and starring Sari Maritza, William Collier Jr. and Alan Mowbray. It was released in the United Kingdom under the alternative title of The Girl from Georgia, and was based on a play by Maude Fulton.

Johnny, the son of a rich man, is an idling, good-for-nothing loafer who leads a wild, hectic life, flunks out of college, and is disinherited and made to leave home by his father, who has given up on him in despair. Johnny opens a gas-station in Arizona, where "Waffles," a girl from Georgia, takes him in hand and employs her own methods of reformation with astonishing and fruitful results. More comedy than drama, if the meller-drammer acting is overlooked. It was released in the UK as "The Girl From Georgia" in 1934.

Sari Maritza as Waffles
William Collier Jr. as Johnny Norton
Alan Mowbray as Nils Norton
Ivan F. Simpson as Lathrop
Monaei Lindley as Ermine, Johnny's Girlfriend
Rex Armond as Tex, Waffles' Friend
Jack Dewees as Kenneth
Barbara Luddy as Mae
Leila McIntyre as Dean of Women
John Hyams as Dean of Men
Grace Valentine as Mary
Mary Lee Manning as College Student
Bert James as College Boy
Barry Thompson as College Bad Boy

Directed by Warren Millais
Written by Helen Mitchell
Produced by Helen Mitchell
Cinematography J. Peverell Marley
Edited by Martin G. Cohn
Music by Jamie Erickson
Production company Helen Mitchell Productions
Distributed by Ideal Pictures
Release date December 19, 1933
Running time 73 minutes
Country United States
Language English

#oldmovies #freemovies #drama #comedy #romance #classicfilms #freemoviesonline #blackandwhite #lostandfoundfilms

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