Kirby Foster aka Monk Zylio - "Flat Earth Fight Club"

1 year ago

My hope is that maybe more friends can make some duets with my content. (videos I've made on TikTok) For shy ones, they can duet videos while watching the @flatearthfightclub TikTok videos. Duets on tiktok allow people to share truth without their family disowning them because they know earth is flat.

I am doing my best to give ideas to those stuck in the dark. "Flat Earth Fight Club" tiktok videos can be downloaded if people don't want to duet them, and they can share them with their family members who are asleep. The website and YouTube and social networks are also always running. I'm allowing [flat earth fight club] to take the heat and hate and pain away from those who are ostracized over knowing the truth!

Putting my mind and energy and creativity into tasks to do for @flatearthfightclub 24-7, monthly, yearly, forever, until the entire earth KNOWS of the censored book "Unlocked Mind" found on I innerstand the obstacles and will forever keep creating solutions. ♡ #FlatEarth #FlatEarthFightClub

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