The Construction of the Panama Canal [1913-1914] (Reel 1-5 of 5)

1 year ago

Reel 1, spillways are erected, concrete poured, lock gates constructed, and emergency dams erected and swung across locks at Gatun, Miraflores, and Pedro Miguel. A dike is dynamited. Reel 2, rock is dynamited and removed by steam shovel and railroad crane. Reel 3, Culebra Cut is excavated and railroad track is taken up. The lower chamber of Gatun Locks is filled and a tug enters. Gamboa Dike is dynamited. Reel 4, the Cucuaracha slide is dynamited. Shows the dredging fleet. Reel 5, mud and rock are cleared from cuts. Sec. of War Garrison views operations.

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