Uncovering Irregularities & Government Involvement: Controversies Surrounding the 2020 Election

8 months ago

In the midst of a politically charged atmosphere filled with conflicting narratives and conspiracy theories, Ivan Raiklin has emerged as a central figure within conservative circles, making sweeping allegations regarding the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

Raiklin, a vocal critic of the election process, has embarked on a mission to present his perspective on events, leveling accusations against several parties for alleged improprieties. In this article, we dissect Raiklin's assertions and provide context to his followers' claims that have ignited fervent debates.

A Surprising Platform

Raiklin's commentary kicks off with a theatrical declaration: "Likes. To try to shut me down. But I'm still alive." This enigmatic opening sets the stage for his narrative, which he contends has been stifled by social media platforms and mainstream news outlets. Raiklin portrays himself as a marauder, asserting that his outspoken views have been met with efforts to silence him.

The Allegations

The heart of Raiklin's contentions are the events surrounding the 2020 election and its aftermath. He alleges that unlawful activities tainted the election, an unsubstantiated "Fed Insurrection" purportedly led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and subsequent cover-ups. Raiklin points fingers at various entities, including Big Tech corporations, mainstream media, and state officials, whom he accuses of quashing dissenting voices and propagating false narratives.

COVID-19 and Its Election Impact

Raiklin links the origins of COVID-19 to what he terms "CCP 19," contending that the pandemic was manipulated for political gain. He argues that these circumstances led to changes in the election process, such as the expansion of mail-in voting, which, according to Raiklin, was strategically implemented to influence the election's outcome.

Allegations at the State Level

Raiklin delves into the specifics of the 2020 election, asserting that numerous states deviated from their election laws, jeopardizing its integrity. He highlights instances where alterations to election procedures were executed by non-legislative actors, including governors, secretaries of state, and courts. According to Raiklin, these actions contravened Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which vests the authority to appoint electors in state legislatures.

Federal Involvement and Suppression

Raiklin criticizes the Supreme Court's handling of Texas v. Pennsylvania, a lawsuit aimed at challenging the election results in several states. He suggests that political considerations might have influenced the court's decision not to hear the case.
Raiklin underscores the significance of the Director of National Intelligence in investigating foreign interference in elections, yet he accuses the intelligence community of withholding information to shield certain political interests.

Schumer's Warning and Brennan's Outrage

To substantiate his claims, Raiklin features clips of Senator Chuck Schumer cautioning that "the intelligence community has six ways from Sunday of getting back at you." He argues that this serves as proof of a potent intelligence apparatus that could be leveraged for political purposes. Additionally, he highlights former CIA Director John Brennan expressing his indignation at intelligence agencies being subjected to oversight.

A Call for Transparency

Ivan Raiklin presents a multifaceted narrative of election irregularities and alleged foreign influence in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. While his assertions have sparked intense controversy and await substantiation, they underscore the imperative need for transparency and accountability within the electoral process. In the weeks to come, whether these allegations gain traction or remain on the fringes of political discourse remains uncertain.

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