ET Contact in the 1700s & Their Spiritual Teachings | Past Life Regression

1 year ago

My online regression client in New Zealand had a powerful session in March, which helped her reconnect with her origins and release false beliefs that held her back from making authentic connections with others. She had a past life in the 1700s, married to a Lord in England who had close ties to the royal family. Throughout this life she had contact with UFOs and ETs, who taught her spiritual lessons, helping her awaken to a greater understanding of what lies beyond the Earth and third dimension. After the life she had a review, planned her next life and experienced what it was like to be in source, connected to everything.

A full summary of the session is here:

For those unfamiliar with this healing modality, by using hypnosis I guide clients into past lives and other memories, including experiences beyond our universe. Sometimes it's this life, a future scene, or a simultaneous experience. Some want to explore odd events, including ET contact. I also guide them into a trance state during the session, so their higher self can speak through them. The higher self has the ability to provide healing right there in that moment, or over a period of time depending on the circumstances, and answer any questions, in addition to the benefit of healing and breakthroughs from simply recalling specific memories. From time to time, other beings and collectives communicate through clients, including guides, councils and collectives. Sessions are four hours.

Dolores Cannon taught me all of her training in person, in Melbourne, Australia back in 2011. While I offer QHHT in person (Nelson and Motueka, NZ) I also offer past life regression online which is a combination of methods, from QHHT, to Michael Newton's LBL (life between lives) and more. I'm also trained in clinical hypnotherapy. For a free Zoom consult and/or to schedule a session, visit my website:

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