Cleaning Creek Full of trash and plastic in 24 hour...

1 year ago

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In the sacred hour bestowed upon us,
A creek polluted with humanity's flaws,
I hear the calling of a blessed task,
To cleanse this sacred stream, no more to wear its mask.

Gather the righteous, those with hearts of gold,
Who see the truth, what must unfold,
For our beloved creek, gasping for breath,
We shall rescue, in its time of death.

In strength and unity, we shall abide,
As we march towards the creek, side by side,
With bare hands and iron will,
We cleanse the filth, beckoning goodwill.

In twenty-four hours, time's grace,
We vow to transform this polluted space,
From the refuse and plastic that taint its flow,
To pristine waters, to make it glow.

With every garbage bag held with care,
We pluck the waste, as if a prayer,
Each bottle and can, each plastic heap,
Removed from nature's cradle, it shall no longer seep.

Our sweat and toil, our unwavering drive,
To mend this creek, to make it thrive,
For in our hearts, we hold the key,
To restore its beauty and set it free.

For in this scripture, we find our peace,
A calling to cleanse, to bring swift release,
To heal the wounds that man has caused,
And restore the creek, its purity, long paused.

As the day concludes, and darkness falls,
We stand by the creek, our mission complete,
The waters flow gently, pristine and clear,
Once to be cherished, no more to fear.

Let this scripture be etched in our souls,
A testament to our noble goals,
For in twenty-four hours, a miracle unfolded,
A creek reborn, its new story molded.

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