Yu-Gi-Oh! 5d's (Uncut Dub) Episode 1 - On Your Mark, Get Set, Duel! (Reupload)

1 year ago

Did this as a proof of concept for my Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds Uncut Dub. Since it's a proof of concept, I wasn't exactly stressing about the dialogue being sub accurate since I didn't have a lot to work with regarding the MC and Trudge. A guy on discord help make AI lines for Yusei and Jack, but I didn't use any of the Jack ones since they either didn't match the lip flap or the acting was so wooden even I wouldn't use them. My main goal was getting rid of as much dialogue involve Yusei and Trudge knowing each other prior to this episode which there is still dialogue hinting towards that like when Yusei explains Speed Warrior's effect, when Trudge explains Assault Dog's effect, and when Yusei activates Vision Wing. Also that weird thing where Jack is paying off Sector Security to arrest Yusei since the plotline gets dropped very early on after Episode 5 so if the dub doesn't care about it enough to keep it, why should I? A lot of Yusei's lines were either taking from Duel Links or Cross Duel. I used an English cover by JadenDayZero for Kizuna (Bonds) and sub the ED song as I'm planning on doing credits at a later date. There's also a lot of silent moments. The start is due to that scene being cut in the English dub so I had to slice up the MC's dialogue at both the beginning of the episode and at the stadium and the other is later when Trudge summon Montage Dragon and use Handcuff Dragon's effect since Duel Links' lines were shorter than the actual dialogue in the sub. Though I found a solution for the last one.

Don't know what happen to the original since neither I, nor Rumble, deleted it. But anywho it's uploaded now. (Rumble if you remove this please, at least, give me a reason why).

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