9 months ago

The Amount Of Land/ Farmland That Bill Gates Owns In America Keeps Increasing 🚨 Politicians Ignore It But Regular Everyday People In Those States Say “Bill Gates Doesn’t Embrace Our Community Values”


“We're showing the land owned by Bill Gates throughout the United States in a graphic here. It adds up to almost 270,000 acres. That's a lot of land. It's not like Mr. Gates has necessarily embraced the values of our community, of our state of rural America.

That was last month that we brought you the story of Bill Gates, her sneakily buying up 2,100 acres of North Dakota farmland and he did it under the cover of a trust. Now it was the latest in what seems to be kind of a methodical and seemingly calculated push that has now made him the largest private landowner in the United States. So let's take a look at where he's made these purchases. And as I read, please keep in mind that the average farm size in the United States is 445 acres.

So in Louisiana he has seventy thousand acres, 48,000 acres in Arkansas, 25,750 in Arizona, 20,500 in Nebraska, and more than 105,000 acres across 15 other states. Now what's strange about this new purchase, though it coincides with another large purchase just 40 miles away that we told you about earlier this week. Fufang, which is a CCP-linked company, bought more than 300 acres of farmland in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

That's just 20 minutes from a U.S. Air Force base. Now of course Bill Gates insists there's no connection between his land grab and China's in the same general region but it's unclear to us exactly what Gates intends to do with all this land. As a result, one Republican lawmaker is now demanding answers. Congressman Dusty Johnson of South Dakota is asking the House Ag Committee to haul Gates in to testify immediately. And he joins me now. Congressman, thanks for joining us tonight.

Has the chair responded to your request yet?

No i haven't heard anything yet and honestly i don't expect that we will anytime soon i get the sense from the democrats in congress that they are not anywhere near as concerned about the chinese purchases in the purchases by bill gates as they should be now we know bill gates into the kind of engineered meat alternative to be friend other livestock he's discussed this at length whole agricultural land out of production. They're already doing it in Europe. And here's Gates last year, congressman, boasting about this anti-beef crusade he's on, watch. Gates has invested in two companies making plant-based meat substitutes, but farming the vegetables used to make many meat alternatives emits gases as well. So Gates is also backing a company that's created an entirely new food source.

This company Nature Find is using fungi, and then they turn them into sausage and yogurt. Pretty amazing. Congressman, this is not what you want to hear from the country's biggest farm landowner.

So, fungi and I guess insects

— Bill Gates has said that uh... no americans should be eating red meat in fact he said that there should be in developed countries nobody should be eating beef and less it's grown a laboratory he has an interest in imposing those kind of values and the fact that he's snapping up all of this land uh... makes me curious what in the world it is he's going to do with it and is it related to that mission that he's got well he's obviously a big greeny act uh... you know climate change guy and livestock and produces methane gas and so they're you know they're at war with the beef industry we all know that gates by the way took to read it

It's not connected to climate.”

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