Im not here to Convince-Im here to WARN. Oct 3 Russia started the clock. Halloween is 28 DAYS LATER

7 months ago

I'm not able to generate videos very quickly like others, so I try to make the ones I DO make, count. Bridegroom inbound, we are instructed to Watch. If you're not watching, then you wouldn't know that Feast of Trumpets REALLY occurred this year on 9/17 - 9/18. You wouldn't know that the Revelation 12 sign in the Sun, Moon and Stars including an asteroid named 'Child' is in the womb of Virgo on 9/19. You wouldn't know that a 7-year UN covenant with many gets signed (also on 9/19), and then celebrated on 9/21 at the International Day of Peace and Safety. You'd have no idea that the last day of Summer is 9/22. You wouldn't have any idea that everyone has been seeing 923 everywhere, almost as if God is trying to get everyone's attention. You wouldn't have any idea that Yom Kippur, and the Day of Atonement is on 9/25. You also would have no idea that Sukkot, (aka the 7-day Feast of Tabernacles), starts on 9/29. You'd have no idea that October 1st is a Day of Prayer for Israel. You certainly wouldn't know that Project Black Sky, global simulated EMP attack and test of the Emergency Broadcast system sent out notifications by mobile phone message, radio and television on October 4th. You would have no idea, and probably no interest, that Tishrei 22 (aka the 8th day of Shimini Atzeret), is on October 6th. And that this coming Halloween, October 31st, is actually a pagan holiday called Samhain (pronounced Sow-een) and is the anniversary of the Flood starting.

The age of Grace is about to end. Those that hate Jesus now, are deceived, and incapable of hearing. Why do I say incapable? Let me put it this way - If the WEF, CDC, WHO, and all world governments have already said there's too many people on the planet and therefore have already, tangibly, and demonstrably launched vaccination and mosquito-borne world-culling campaigns to get those numbers down to the levels, (levels that were published for all the world to see on the Georgia Guidestones) - yet they STILL call US fools...They are deceived. Remember the Deagel report? Well, I hope you do, because it was scrubbed from the internet, but in case you werent paying attention - I was, and I kept a copy - here's a few points for you to ponder...quickly (because there's not much time left...this is all in motion as I'm making this video...and assuming I can even get it published in time): The Deagel Report details the population control plan - taking the United States and United Kingdom as examples here - In 2019 the population of the United States was roughly 332 million...the plan is to decrease the population by 70.2%, down to a more manageable 99 million. In 2019 the population of the United Kingdom was roughly 65 2025 they intend to get that number down to 14 million, that's a whopping 78.5% change. That's just two countries. This is a global plan. Remember, the Georgia Guidestones (also known as the Satanic 10 commandments) declared that the earths population would not go above 550 million. How would they kill that many people in a short amount of time? By spreading disease across the world to a population whose immune systems were compromised through DNA manipulation, that's how. As the title of this video states, I'm not here to convince anybody of anything, so go on with your smug selves if you think you're going to argue me down - that you've taken these substances into your body and you're fine. If that's the case, you're already dead and you don't know it, unless you've accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. Satan's plan is to kill as many of us as he can BEFORE we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. I already said, the Age of Grace is coming to an End...I believe before the end of this year. If I told you when exactly I believe that to be, you wouldn't believe me; so just let me say - PLEASE accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior - this instant. Do not let another day or evening pass. No one expects you to become a Biblical scholar in 1 hour to be saved, the key is to accept His free gift thats been believe that He was born as a man, was crucified to pay our sin debt, was buried for three days and then rose to defeat death. Do it in private. Stop trying to be cool, or edgy, or dark and unique, or nuanced, or think nobody understands you...attacking me is a waste of time. I'm not a pastor, or anybody special - I'm just a child of God, I love Jesus Christ for what He has done for me, and I want you all to come with me.

If Jesus doesn't come soon and come quickly, steel yourselves to start watching everyone you know, die around you. This is why we are to warn all that will listen... If they die before they accept Jesus' free gift, they burn forever. As the Deagel Report states - just using the US as the example, they intend to kill off 233 million people BY 2025. That doesnt mean its going to happen in one day, they've started it now. You WILL start seeing the fruits of their dark labors within the next month. The numbers will grow and grow, businesses will shut down, the economy will collapse, government and police will turn military and will build walls to protect themselves and the wealthy and powerful while the rest of you rob and murder each other for food...because there wont be stores anymore, no utilities. And, this will be everywhere. You think you're going to be the exception though? You'll survive this? You dont need Jesus? I pray you have a change of heart. If you wanna be a tough guy still, and hate Jesus rather than accept His gift; if you see me, and millions of others, disappear - then you missed the rapture. If you're alive right now, and everything seems normal, then the Age of Grace is still in play...once the rapture happens, the Age of Grace ends. And if you're still here then, I pray God has mercy on you...just remember one thing...DONT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST. God bless.

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