Understanding Genesis 6 Nephilim & The Days of Noah

1 year ago

In this SESSION 1 interview with Gilbert Myers (2013 - edited & condensed), Pastor Doug Riggs explains the truth about ‘alien’ abductions: it is the breeding program to produce Nephilim hybrids, the offspring of fallen angels and the human women used to breed them. This is what was foretold by Jesus when He declared that in the end time, it would be just like in the days of Noah (i.e.: Genesis 6). Doug describes the gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 as that period of time God had created the angelic host and at some point Lucifer rebelled prior to what we read as to the restored earth and the garden of Eden. Genesis 3:15 describes two seeds, the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. The seed of the woman is the Messiah – and the church, the body of Christ; the seed of the serpent is the antichrist – and corporately, the hybrid race of the Nephilim. Genesis 6 describes the first attack to corrupt the seed of the woman.
One thing I noticed as I listened and did some editing of this interview was how full and overflowing Doug was as he wanted to explain this very critical subject – more like a fire hose than a sip of water – so it requires concentration and focus on all he’s sharing. As the quality of the audio is challenging to listen to, I did what I could to help us hear the discussion. Thankfully the second session is so much better and easier to listen to.
Satan’s agenda is to keep this truth about Genesis 6 and the seed war hidden – and he’s done a good job, as there are not that many out there who have a clear picture of this conspiracy to interfere with the ultimate return of Jesus Christ to establish His rule and reign here on planet Earth. Doug also reveals the fact that the Smithsonian Institution has been covering up and hiding a plethora of evidence over many decades of discoveries of the evidence of Nephilim even here in the Americas.
So, what do these hybrid Nephilim have to do with the Alien Agenda – ‘The Truth is Out There’ – ‘We are not alone’ – the Ancient Aliens – etc.? What is the ‘Disclosure’ event? How will so many be deceived into believing the extraterrestrial aliens seeded Earth millions of years ago to eventuate the evolution of the human species? Are the aliens going to save us from humanity destroying the planet? What are the Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.’s) used for? Will the aliens help humanity make its next evolutionary leap with a DNA upgrade so we can be like them? Will we become like gods?

Session 2
Doug and Gilbert discuss the coming deception around the disclosure event (currently a ‘soft disclosure’ being presented so as to not cause hysteria and panic), and the fact that many of the current Nephilim do not appear as 12’ giants, but like ordinary humans. So what made the difference between giants and other strange creature-looking hybrids (i.e.: greys; reptilians) and the quintessential perfect human-like hybrids of today? It was discovered that certain women who were of certain royal bloodlines and were born again into the body of Christ were raised and bred to produce them. It is of this line of Nephilim that the antichrist and false prophet have been birthed and will appear once the church is removed. These women have been used by the cult to power up and enrich world leaders.

Doug challenges the Christian pastors who are not teaching the truth about the strategies of the enemy especially as it relates to these last days and the soon appearing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. “It’s our pulpits that are so dumb-downed when it comes to some of these issues; it’s a tragedy.” Doug challenges those who spend their lives digging up bones to prove the existence of Nephilim from thousands of years ago but don’t carry out due diligence in listening to the eye-witness survivors who have firsthand knowledge, who were born into the project (i.e.: Genesis 6 last days hybrid breeding program) who produced these quintessential hybrids.

In these sessions, Doug warns of the coming deception that will engulf the world, even Christians, when the disclosure of these ‘aliens’ happens – and it already has begun. “The question is: how many Christians will fall away (2 Thessalonians 2) when they are told by those that are supposed to be leaders in the church that these entities, that are not E.T.’s, they are hybrids, are now our saviors, and they have come to show us the way to evolve to become god-men.”

“This will be the source of Satan’s one new man; this will be the source of the image of the beast; this will be the DNA source code as well for the mark of the beast… and used as a mark – put that in an injection, and now that person will be promised, ‘You will not die; you shall be like God; you shall live forever!’”


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