I Became KHOISAN... the first Humans on Earth?

1 year ago

I spent 24 hours with The Khoisan People.

Disclaimer: “The first humans on Earth?” Is a question, not a statement.

To experience this first-hand, visit the following website:


Or contact Dirk Pienaar (Tourism Officer):

Email: bookings@khomanisan.com
Tel: +27(0)87 285 4299

Really hope you enjoyed watching, because I really enjoyed editing this video

Contact email: tumishonkwana@representative.com

My Instagram Page:


IF you have any video ideas please head over to my Instagram to tell me, I will be doing shout outs. All love.

I edit everything with premiere pro


khoisan, Bushmen
Kalahari Desert, Northern Cape, South Africa
24 hour challenge
Tumisho Nkwana

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