You Have To Understand The Little Stuff Because It Is The Big Stuff

1 year ago

The fear of Donald Trump coming back and the start that Matt Gaetz has done in ripping apart the funding in DC by removing McCarthy. The lobbyists are upset and are in a scramble in putting it back together.
Kevin McCarthy has never disliked Nancy Pelosi or Hakeem Jeffries. Kevin McCarthy called Hakeem to keep him in the loop of what the dems were doing. Pelosi never called the minority leader. You have to understand the little stuff because it is the big stuff they don’t want you to talk about. Nancy was supposed to whip enough democrat votes to save Kevin.
Biden is building the wall. The Biden administration waives 26 federal laws to build Trump’s border wall in South Texas.
We need to maintain the majority and we need to expose the corruption of Biden.
The Great 8 were the ones that removed McCarthy. McCarthy made a secret deal to get the CR and then give Ukraine $ at a later date. The deal the democrats made McCarthy to throw him a couple of votes to keep in the speakership but did not. Kevin did some bad mouthing of democrats and started the impeachment inquiry so the democrats didn’t go through with the deal.
Scalise will go behind the scenes and make a deal with the democrats and will get enough republican votes.

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