Responding to the "Cessationist" Documentary - Part Two

1 year ago

Are the Charismatic gifts real? Speaking in tongues, prophesying, healing, and raising the dead – do these phenomena exist? Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians firmly believe in their authenticity, viewing them as miraculous occurrences. The new documentary "Cessationist" boldly asserts that they have ceased. Under the direction of Les Lanphere, "Cessationist" attempts to dismiss modern practices of spiritual gifts using speculation, church tradition, and human reasoning. Fortunately, the Word of God directly contradicts their confident assertions.

Tune in to watch The Remnant Radio team respond to arguments put forth by cessationists such as Nathan Busenitz, Tom Pennington, Steven J. Lawson, Sam Waldron, Jonathan Master, and Phil Johnson in this second installment of our "Cessationist" review. In this episode, we'll address their arguments: 1) Miracles are only done by apostles 2) Cascade argument 3) The Gifts slowly died out and 4) A wicked generation seeks for a sign.

📖 Video Chapters:
0:00 - Introduction to the Hosts and the Show's Purpose
6:23 - The Four Qualifications To Be An Apostle
28:56 - Signs of an Apostle 2 Corinthians12:3
39:16 - The Castcade Argument
57:55 - The Gifts Trickled Away In The Scriptures
1:17:35 - Closing Thoughts

If you missed Part 1, you can watch it here:

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