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Australian Senator Exposes WEF In Australian Parliament

1 year ago

Australian senator, Alex Antic, exposes the totalitarian aspirations of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum, and its 'Great Reset' agenda, in the Australian parliament.

"The World Economic Forum is steeped in authoritarianism and Marxist ideology. It's an ideology which is creeping into governments across the world... It is imperative that we pay close attention to the World Economic Forum, and do all that we can to preserve liberty, and reduce government intrusion in our lives. And if we fail to do so, the anti democratic forces in the West will continue to march on, and we may wake up to an Australia that we no longer recognise."

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKoXAnqYYCU

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  • 0/2000
  • Delighted that senators are allowed to peak the truth. Let's hope the masses listen and he is not exposing himself to no end. God bless him and keep him safe.

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  • not taking my vote ? hmmmm ?

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  • Senator Antic is absolutely right. The WEF is a psychopathic and insidious communist organisation bent of destroying freedom and depriving us all of our rights and aspirations as all totalitarian and dictatorial regimes do. The WEF must be stopped in its tracks by whatever means are required.

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  • Australia is ahead of Canada in the "devolution to Marxism" race. Oddly, there appears to be a disproportionate involvement of psychologically unfuckable middle aged single white women involved in pushing the issue. Why would that even be? Is transx infiltration fortifying the numbers? Does wealth have something to do with it? Those with enough to feel untouchable would rather inflict and those without enough wealth to be effective in the arena created by massive disparity would feel they have nothing to lose. Since wealth disparity is mostly driven by the extreme wealth of the one-in-a-millions and not by equally extreme poverty or a swollen upper middle class then the inflection point is up there. At the bottom there is a limit as wealth approaches zero so the top is where to put the lever. If super-wealth doesn't figure out the future of humanity is art then they doom themselves and all others by meddling in socio-political affairs. Klaus Schwab's idea of drilling holes in the bottom of the boat to let the water out is classical Marxism.

  • wef is behind and funding most of the world's migration and has paid off most of the world leaders and politicians. very sick stuff. thank you for your presentation, wish it were more widely seen, though! all that is needed now is to tell us how great the aryan race is. that will eventually come, no doubt.