7 Things That ONLY A Fake Friend Would Do! Elevate Psychology

9 months ago

Welcome to Elevate Psychology today we are taking a delve onto if you have ever wondered if you have a fake friend? Here are 7 things that only a fake friend would do! Fake friends are people who act like they’re your friend when really, they’re anything but. They only care about you for superficial reasons and are never there for you when you need them the most. Do you want to make sure that the friendships you have now are for the right reasons? Well, here are 7 things that only a fake friend would do!

This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but for general guidance. Please do not take this feedback as an attack on your character. This video was meant to be a self-improvement guide for those of you who have been feeling a little stuck. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

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Bowker, J. C. (2011). Examining two types of best friendship dissolution during early adolescence. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 31(5), 656-670.

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