Episode 1548: The Devil’s Motivation

11 months ago

We as Catholics are so very busy doing those things that are so human. We will put our daily intentions to those things that either benefit us or we seem to think these things must be done. Don’t we? Well of course most people will respond that after all we are only human, and we don’t want to be irresponsible.
Let me suggest something that may make me sound very irresponsible. Stop working for your earthly life and start working for your eternal life. If you want to save our church it will be saved. But how is that possible when you are rushing off to serve this world. This world like Satan is a ravenous lion that prowls around looking to devour you and the worldly appetite will never be quenched. Have you noticed people rush off to buy this or do that thinking that our joy lies but instinctually we know it won’t. Why because we have a soul and that should every minute of the day hungers I really hungers for God. It could be careless if you live in a McMansion or a one-bedroom apartment with no air conditioning. Yu souls is starving for Christ while we are out filling the body that will never be satisfied.
Please start today and give Christ your first and best fruits and stop feeding you human needs.
We MUST start today and say, “dear Lord what is it you want from me to satisfy you?” Then go do something for Christ and he will start telling you what he wants from you. I am going to provide a sermon from Fr. Cravacho, Fathers of Mercy who titled his sermon “The Devils Motivation”. In his sermon he speaks about Christ unending gifts to us if we just recognize him and go to him. He wants each and every one of you to come to him every single day. He is an unending provider to each and every one of us. But it won’t be the thing of this world.
Before I turn it over to the good father I want to put up a picture of a congress woman Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn this is shows how far we have fallen. She is serving in our House of representatives. Is this how we are represented? Complete chaos and that comes from this world. Do you really think its worth your time to busy yourself in this kind of world the City of Man or do you want to start living in the city of God. Start today and save our Church by your constant prayer and hand your first and best fruits to Christ.

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