92. Harshfield - Radiology Errors; Lewis - Eye Part 4

1 year ago

Webinar: Harshfield - Radiology Errors; Lewis - Eye Part 4

12:01:28 From Dr. Tom Lewis : The nautilus symbolizes nature's grace in growth, expansion, and renewal and projects order amidst chaos, as reflected in its spiral precision. The spiral is a logarithm, as is every facet of nature, including health. Lack of understanding of this simple concept is a crucial reason healthcare systems fail.
12:03:02 From virginiamiller : Will Regener-Eyes improve an AMD condition?
12:04:49 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Virginia - it should - but my preferred is the brown stein protocol with high dose vitamin A and minocycline which is an antibiotic AND antiinflammatory
12:05:10 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Regener-eyes would be most effective after these 2 treatments - fix the terrain first
12:06:23 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Do not forget about the EYE-O-DINE roll-on and drops
12:06:40 From Dr. Tom Lewis : For the iodine. Just call us 24x7 at 305 667-9375.)
12:07:28 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Testosterone update. https://regenexx.com/blog/is-testosterone-supplementation-dangerous-new-research/
12:08:02 From Dr. Tom Lewis : I’m still on T - focusing on getting it between 750 and 1000. Also, I am dosing so I only take it 2-3 times per week instead of every day.
12:09:42 From Joy Gentle : Posting here for the roughly 50 participants on right now. Peter Kulish' responses to chat Q's that came in during the Solid State Magnets webinar on Sept 18. Very thorough document. Will post again near the end of this call to catch those who join late.
12:10:32 From Doris Fellenz : Thank you Joy.
12:10:51 From Joy Gentle : Also, you can access all of Peter's educational slides here: https://biomagscience.net/biomagscience-slide-presentation/
12:15:10 From Steve : Replying to "I’m still on T - foc..."

Have you checked out Dr. Pam Smith's book on male hormones? Amazing amount of info I've not run across previously.
12:24:44 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Thank you. I will take a lot at this…
12:28:34 From Beverly A's iPad : Thanks so much Joy.
12:29:16 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Look.. that is
12:33:52 From Steve : That's why I decline dental x-rays most of the time
12:37:57 From Martha Stark, MD : On the television show Chicago Med, they have introduced Artificial Intelligence (known as “Version 2.0”) into the Emergency Room. Some of the Emergency Room Physicians are resisting it, but they are beginning to “come ‘round.” Again, it is a TV show – but interesting!
12:41:16 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "On the television sh..."

Yes, "OR 2.0"!
12:41:40 From Joy Gentle : Replying to "On the television sh..."

Sometimes these television shows portend the future.
12:42:52 From iPhone : Replying to "On the television sh…"
12:44:16 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "On the television sh..."

The television show Trauma: Life in the ER also offers some pretty cool “diagnostic and treatment methods”! Yes, Joy, “wave of the future.”
12:48:18 From iPhone : How did they actually sell the 90% effective for the vaccine when it was less than 1%? What was the actual study they were referring to when they used relative vs absolute? Just curious to become clear so I can help describe this to others
12:49:34 From Kofi Adega To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Soon to be launched esr home test kit

Cgm has time in range analysis.offers better insights than hba1c.
12:50:24 From Martha Stark, MD : Dr. Tom – ..although you do have 2 eyes – so you have an “n” of two for the slight decrease in floaters in your eyes!! 🙂
12:53:36 From Joy Gentle : Before we drop and to capture anyone who joined from my earlier chat post, I will add here Peter Kulish' slide deck from the solid-state magnets webinar on Sept 18, along with his responses to all the chat Q's. Tom will eventually post this into a blog post as well. https://biomagscience.net/biomagscience-slide-presentation/
12:53:44 From Wayne : After pressing him, my ophthalmologist told me that I had only a "trace" of cataract (after first telling me that it was zero … and everything looked surprisingly good "for my age." What should I infer from a "trace" of a cataract … probably not to worry about for a decade or so. (well respected Cincinnati Eye Institute- yes, eyes were dilated)
12:54:50 From iPhone : Reacted to "Dr. Tom – ..although…" with 😎
12:55:30 From eileenarmes@yahoo.com : what if the lens was replaced, can you still tell which type of cataract it was?
12:56:28 From Wayne : A 'trace' of a cataract was significantly less than 1 on a 1 to 5 scale … which is why he first said it was zero... Is this to be expected in one's 70s and can it be stopped/reversed?
12:58:35 From Sharon K : what about astaxanthan?
13:03:23 From Martha Stark, MD : Are people still excited about using Ron Neer’s MSM Eye Drops? What place do they have in treatment of the eyes?
13:04:28 From Martha Stark, MD : Is it a question of Pam from Iowa needing to “adapt” to the new situation – with just the one cataract fixed...
13:04:47 From iPhone : Reacted to "Are people still exc…" with 👆
13:06:25 From Martha Stark, MD : Wouldn’t it possibly be a GOOD IDEA for Pam from Iowa to get her right eye also done – so that they will now be more balanced?
13:07:40 From Doris Fellenz : Would the MSM eye drops from Dr. Neer help rid cataract issues?
13:08:28 From virginiamiller : How long will it take Can-C to improve the opacity of the cataracts?
13:08:36 From Steve : A local friend was at the point where he couldn't drive at night - the cats were advanced.
He paid the extra cost of the newer high-end lenses. His both eyes were a complete success following surgery.
13:08:53 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Visual therapy - advertised but seldom practiced.
13:08:54 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.optometrists.org/vision-therapy/guide-to-vision-therapy/what-is-vision-therapy/
13:09:31 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Eye drops for cataracts is probably a life-long treatment
13:09:54 From Maura : Eye rehabilitation should be explored
13:10:18 From iPhone : Replying to "A local friend was …"
What are the high end lenses?
13:11:41 From Maura : Strabismic eyes have great problems with mIOl
13:13:24 From Maura : Amblyopia ?
13:13:25 From Martha Stark, MD : Dr. H. – Might Pam benefit at all from looking in the “mirror” – like what you were mentioning earlier?

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