How Big Sugar Framed Fat In The 1960’s

1 year ago

How Big Sugar framed fat in the 1960’s and why cholesterol isn’t the bad guy 🍖

Eating only meat has dramatically improved my autoimmune problems along with my mental health, joint pain, skin issues and chronic gut problems. It’s the best I’ve ever felt in my life, however I’ve got “high” LDL-cholesterol…but am I worried? Nup, because I’ve also got high HDL and low Triglyceride numbers, which is the ratio we should be focusing on. We get told that even if you’re feeling a million bucks and have chronic health issues resolving, we should stop immediately and get on Statins if the doctor sees our LDL numbers are elevated. However the marker that strongly correlates with a high index of cardiovascular risk is actually a high Triglyceride number.

To add onto this, @metabolic_mike recently shared a study looking at blood bio markers of 44,000 people that showed a HIGHER total cholesterol level was associated with a HIGHER chance of reaching 100 years of age - a centenarian! We shouldn’t be fearing cholesterol if we’re metabolically healthy and eating a species appropriate diet 🥩

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