How to Make Socks on the Sentro Knitting Machine w/ a Crochet Afterthought Heel (Updated from 2021)

1 year ago

The only way to access this new and improved tutorial is via Hey Craftepreneur!, my pattern membership club. If you like the way I teach here on YouTube, you'll love the way I teach my patrons.

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I'm feeling really positive about this new adventure and to share in all of that, I'm offering 20% off the first month of the $5.99/mo subscription! You read that correctly, the first 100 Crafties to sign up for Hey Craftepreneur! will only pay $4.74 (+ tax) for their first month.

Just use the code ' LETMESTITCH ' at checkout. The offer ends when 100 people have used the code so sign up while you can. 💖

#sentroknittingmachine #HappyMaking #InfinitiCraftingCo

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