Is 45+ Trolling?

1 year ago

I know you all hear these talking heads calling what happened with Kevin “No One Is Questioning The Legitimacy Of The 2020 Election”McCarthy.

Gaetz talks to 45 daily Frens. He even said before he ousted Kevin he talked to him and also the day before.

Do not let these talking heads on MSM, radio, or podcasts get you discouraged about what needed to happen.

If you really look at the last three years from a 40k view you’ll realize you’re living in historic times.

Just the last few days MTG goes after Austin & someone else using the Holman law which has not been used for over a century. Can you guess when it was brought back? 2017! Who was in office?

How many times has a house speaker been removed? Oh that’s right never.

Could we make another historic move by making a speaker POTUS? 1845 James Polk (1845-1849).

Just don’t get your hopes up too high Frens because this could all be one big troll from 45+.

Like I’ve said before he’s literally a master troll but he’s trolling the enemy.

Our enemy.

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