Photographer Visits Buran, Russia's Mothballed Space Shuttle

7 years ago

Here we have quite the adventure where couple of guys form Interesting Shit group have decided to visit a long forgotten Soviet Shuttle Station that is located somewhere in the middle of the dessert.
They have quite the journey that takes them travelling by plane, a car and on foot to reach their destination. These guys travel over 1600 kilometers in the hope to discover a long abandoned space station.

On their travel they face a couple of minor barriers which ends up making the trip double the fun.
Once they reach their destination it proves to be quite the mysterious sort of place. Its a huge garage looking place with massively giant iron doors. The kind of security you would invest in if you wanted to be isolated basically from everything and everyone else.

The story takes a even more interesting turn once they get inside. Their jaws drops once they feast their eyes on all the wonders inside this massive building. Must see and find out the whats and whose is waiting for these guys on the inside.

Quite the story we have on our hands here!

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