Scalar Speak Dissolving Pains Aches | head jaws upper arms breast back , neck throat and more

1 year ago
154 | Maji 'Kehl - Maxim WhiteFeather - Engine 1144 | Scalar Energy Recalibration | Frequency Healing-Vibrational Medicine 432Hz tuned
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This audio will assist in clearing out certain frequencies that are preventing natural healing / balancing process.
This specific audio is for the area's neck throat upper back arms chest jaws - headaches -

It speaks to all layers of body -spirit mental emotional esoteric physical- and in the same time is also taking care of the space you reside at or live at / stay at ...etc.

This audio was produced for my self Maxim WhiteFeather, as I am dealing with an injury in left shoulder neck and upper arm. A few weeks ago it started after waking up and as normally I would stretch my arms behind my head, laying on my back, and burning pain went through my whole shoulder down the arm and it felt like a very bad sports-injury-.. WTF happened was my question..inner dialogue..
I sat with it and the guidance was clear it happened in dream-time or Phantom Matrix as E'Asha wrote about.
That in itself is a whole story,.. so the bottom line here is that I needed to clear out some things and so I did but interference was still being felt ..the actual night that it took place was when a kind of crystal was placed in my neck which my partner totally blew apart with her plasma frequencies once we knew that.
On top of that through a portal in bedroom at night some entities would put implants in shoulder and so the healing/balancing did not occur and was regressing rather than progressing...
Finally I asked my inner knowing / guidance what to do and it was clear that I had to make this audio for my self and any-one that has severe injuries on muscles that immobilizes the arm or leg.. I could not lift my arm higher than certain point or even wash my right arm pit..could not reach or be in terrible pain...
I figured out the cause of what was being experienced and see where my door was open for these energies / entities / thought-forms to come in ..

I do most of my self maintenance with sound & breath and avoid seeing "medical professionals'.. wanting to inject me or drug me...My experiences have shown that so far I was able to self heal-balance quite a few things!!

The most powerful feedback came once from a lady in Netherlands, my home country, she was very ill stage 4 cancer in belly area and chemo had made her belly bloat and filled with fluids that needed to be drained from time to time.. she was in terrible pain and her valium & morphine (the most strong) were not effective any longer..she called me and we did a conscious alignment and I guided her into breath and sound and did what i was always doing during sessions ..working with energy and speaking to her from third eye. She called me crying from pain, after 45 minutes she suddenly shouted out "Michael".. I asked yes, whats wrong? NOTHING! she said, nothing wrong but the PAIN, the pain is gone..she could not believe it nor could I but it happened...

So yes I can assist you when you are not able to do it for your self yet but you must be willing to become self governing because I avoid creating customers.

reach us here for more info or private sessions or custom products

Maji-’Kehl MaxiM WhiteFeather

Book a session

Whatsapp | telegram +972523803835Skype name: MIKEVANDEE

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