Nov. 23, 1963 | Barry Goldwater Press Conference

9 months ago

Nov. 23, 1963 - Senator Barry Goldwater voiced shock and sorrow today over the death of President Kennedy, but he indicated that the tragedy would have no effect on his political plans. Mr. Goldwater has not yet announced his candidacy, but he is considered the leading contender for the Republican nomination. The Senator said he thought the death of President Kennedy and the succession of President Johnson would not affect the standing of the U.S. in world affairs. “I have confidence in Lyndon Johnson,” he asserted. “And I think now is a time that will test Americans of all faiths and both parties. We must give this man our full cooperation and our prayers and work with him, and let’s see the kind of President that he will be.” He continued: “President Johnson certainly has the training; he has the instincts; he has the ability. I think we must now, as a nation, unite behind him and help him all we can; and go the usual course of helping a President — of being critical when it’s needed and helpful when that’s needed.” Mr. Goldwater said he and his wife had been “extremely shocked” at news of the assassination, “shocked to think that the world has to lose a young leader at a time like this and in a way like that.” “He was a gentleman,” Mr. Goldwater said of Mr. Kennedy, with whom he served in the U.S. Senate. “He was the kind of an antagonist that I’ve always enjoyed. He would fight like a wildcat for his points and his principles, but there was never anything personal about it.”

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