Mentions You @ Power To Triumph || I Am Empowered For Righteousness Through Jesus || October 4, 2023

8 months ago

Sunny Adeniyi Ministries Presents Power To Triumph - Streamed Live on October 4, 2023

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Word 1
Study Of Paul's Epistle To The Romans - The Fundamentals Of Christian Education & Church Principles. || Rom. 6:19-23
• Rom. 6:19 In human terms refers to Paul’s illustration of slavery. The analogy of slavery to the Christian life is imperfect, because Christians are God’s children (Rom_8:15-16). Having been set free from sin and having become a slave of righteousness (v. Rom_6:18), the believer should serve righteousness just as he or she served sin before trusting Christ. The result will be holiness.

Word 2
Study Of Paul's Epistle To The Romans - The Fundamentals Of Christian Education & Church Principles. || Rom. 6:19-23
• Rom. 6:20-21 As a slave of sin you didn’t do what God wanted. You couldn’t please God. You followed your desires and lusts. Thinking back, you can only feel deeply ashamed. The only result of that life was death. Thank the Lord, God didn’t execute this judgment over you, but over the Lord Jesus. It was this way that you were freed from sin and made a slave of God.

Word 3
Study Of Paul's Epistle To The Romans - The Fundamentals Of Christian Education & Church Principles. || Rom. 6:19-23
• Rom. 6:22-23 The new relationship with God results in a new person, which makes a new kind of fruit possible: righteousness. This verse and the next present the beginning and end of the salvation process. Christians have been freed from sin so that they can be given eternal life. Eternal life is a gift (Joh_3:16) from God to each believer. Sin results in death, but God gives the gift of eternal life. Please note that eternal life is not simply a static entity, but a dynamic and growing relationship with Jesus Christ Himself (Joh_10:10; Joh_17:3). Through living in faith and obedience, Christians can fully enjoy God’s free gift of eternal life.

Personal Supplication
Father, thank You for the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. May I remain resolute and eternally focused Col. 3:1-3
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

Daily Covenant Favor Declaration
I decree in the name of Jesus, from this moment forward, I see myself the way God sees me. I am highly favoured of the Lord. I am crowned with glory and honour. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ


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