Control the Sheriff by Knowing His Duties and Jurisdiction

1 year ago

💥💥Greetings wo/man acting as #sheriff,
You are wholly liable for knowing the law, statutes and codes you dare to enforce. One’s liability cannot be outsourced to anyone else including the county/district staff lawyer you may pass this notice to.

Pursuant to rules of professional conduct 5.5 an attorney cannot exercise jurisdiction outside of the public regulation of his/her Supreme Court certificate not encourage another to do so.

However, a liarhole lawyer will throw well-meaning, yet ignorant, agents under the proverbial bus because “ignorance of the law is no excuse”.

Getting a nudge, wink, head nod or silent agreement from him/her to initiate or continue a trespass on private rights does not absolve you of liability nor insure immunity from federal prosecution.

To enforce a law, statute, code or rule without personal firsthand knowledge and documentary evidence of its applicability to myself as a private wo/man and my private property is incompetent negligence at best and criminal at worst. Maxim: to know a thing and to be bound to know it is equivalent in law.

“The devil said it was okay for me to do it” or “I was just doing my job” is no defense.

Govern oneself accordingly.


Your Boss

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